Volunteer Awards & 40th Anniversary Awards Celebration 2024

Every year we like to thank our volunteers by presenting them with an award to show our appreciation for giving their time to our charity. Our volunteer hours are an essential part of the day to day project preparation and our fully trained volunteers are essential in supporting our members journey through the GRACE pathway.


Let’s celebrate the volunteers and thank them for their continued support. Smiling faces in the pictures show that volunteering is a positive experience. If you are a current member and would be interested in volunteering please speak to a volunteer next time you are at GRACE.


East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action staff provide us with the certificates and support every year, this year was the 40th anniversary of volunteer week.


East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action (EDVA) arranged a special celebration and a few of our volunteers where lucky to go along to represent GRACE . We had been nominated for Outstanding Achievement for Health and Wellbeing category, and received an award on the night that was received by our attending volunteers on behalf of our charity and all our volunteers.


GRACE is supported by EDVA throughout the year and we thankful to the team for the support. Our office space is rented within the EDVA office and we hold our training and GRACE Sharing Time meetings in the EDVA meeting rooms. 


Once again we give thanks to the volunteers of GRACE who make our charity the amazing success that it is for our members.

EDVA website article on the event quote follows with the link to the full e-bulletin
On Friday 20th September we hosted a Thank You Celebration for Volunteers from across East Dunbartonshire.
Volunteers throughout the local authority deliver vital services which we all rely on, activities for our children and grandchildren,
support for the vulnerable and elderly, health and wellbeing which affects us all and services for our physical and mental health. We are grateful to each and everyone of those volunteers. This year was the 40th anniversary of Volunteer’s Week and we felt this would be an ideal time to say Thank You to our local volunteers.

EDVA Autumn 2024 e-Bulletin


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