
Happy New Year

We wish all our supporters and very happy new year and hope that 2017 is a fantastic year for you all.


Be careful outside today the wind is very strong 🌪

Serenity Garden

GRACE Serenity Garden

As someone said ‘Success is not what you start but what you finish is important’ this is something G.R.A.C.E. attempts to do.Tuesday is our gardening day so we made a …

Beautiful lunch

GRACE would like to say a massive thank you to the Serenity Cafe Edinburgh . We where in Edinburgh for our Scottish Parliament visit at the invitation from Rona …

Food Donation

We are thrilled to announce that GRACE will be receiving a food donation from TESCO Kirkintilloch every  Monday and Wednesday. We are part of a project to alleviate  food waste …

Digital Cafe 17/06/2016

Today we used shared google documents for first time and we had a great time doing it. It’s always a good thing to learn new skills on the computer. What …